Visitors Insurance Agent Sign Up FAQ

Who is Insubuy®?

Insubuy® is an online broker specializing in the international travel medical insurance market.

  • Insubuy® has over a decade of exclusive experience in the travel medical and visitor's insurance markets.
  • Insubuy® works with various insurance companies and is a leading firm with many of those companies.
  • Insubuy® is a winner of numerous awards from the insurance companies.
  • Insubuy® has the technology and extensive business knowledge in this market segment.

Why should I work with Insubuy®?

There are many advantages in working with Insubuy®.

  • You receive full commissions, often times more than you would receive directly from the insurance companies.
  • As licensed insurance agents specializing in international travel and medical insurance, we understand the insurance products very well and will help you understand them.
  • If you don't have a website then we can make one for you, maintain it and host it, all for FREE. Giving you freedom to just concentrate on sales.
  • If you do have a website, then you can link the customized website to it allowing you to offer more products than what you are currently selling.
  • You will have a secure, fully functional website just like our own. You and your customers can get instant quotes from various companies, compare plans side by side, and make an instant purchase for the plan you choose. Everything is online and transparent. You always get paid commissions directly from the insurance companies.
  • We provide ongoing support and service to you, even if you only sell a few policies a year. Ongoing support like this is not available from most companies.
  • Insubuy® is based in Plano, Texas, USA in the Dallas - Fort Worth area, and we are available for help Monday through Friday.
  • Most importantly, based on the customers situation, we help you learn what the most suitable plan from the most suitable company. You can never get that from a single insurance company as every company will only talk about their products.
  • There is absolutely no cost to you or any disadvantages for your business.

I already have a potential client who is ready to buy the insurance from me. The paperwork and setting up my web site will take some time. How long do I have to wait before I can offer insurance to my client?

This is the most frequently asked question by most new agents. You should send the paperwork right away so that we can get started on processing your paperwork with the insurance companies. It will a take few days.

Is there any minimum production criteria?


Are there any restrictions preventing me from doing business with other companies such as domestic health, life, auto, home, disability, annuity or anything else that I am already doing or planning to do ?

Absolutely not. You can continue to sell other types of insurance that you have already been selling or are planning to. If you offer different travel insurance plans through us, it would be the easiest for you as we can embed all of the plans into your web site, all in one place.

Can I send quotes to my clients from the web site?

Yes. Those quotes will be coded to you automatically. Therefore, if a customer ends up buying through that quote, you will automatically be compensated.

How will I know which customers have purchased insurance through my web site?

As soon as a customer purchases the insurance through your web site, you will get the confirmation email, directly from the respective insurance company. You will also have access to an online agent area from each insurance company (available in most companies) where you can monitor your production.

What if I am already contracted with some of the insurance companies to sell travel insurance? Can I still work with you?

Yes. We can easily arrange for you to work with us for the companies you are already signed up to sell. For rest of the companies, we can still get you signed up and we would be able to display the products from several companies, all in one place, on your web site.

What if I don't want all of the products or all of the companies displayed on my web site?

You can choose which products and companies to be displayed on your web site.

I am ready to sign up. How do I do it?

Visit Contact Us and complete the form.

What if I don't have a web site?

No problem! At no cost to you, we will make one with your name and contact information, maintain it and host it. The web site will have all the products with your agent codes embedded into the pages so that all of your sales are automatically traced to you directly by the insurance company and you will get paid directly from them.

You are not required to have any technical expertise. You can simply concentrate on sales.

What if I don't like the web site URL you create for us such as I don't want to market that. I would like to have my own web site address.

No problem. You can register any web site domain you like with any domain registrar (such as, and you can simply forward that domain to the web site we create.

E.g., can simply be redirected to or it can also be framed into your own URL. This particular agent would simply market their own URL, to all their customers, provide that link on their business cards, in email or any other way they choose. If you already have an existing web site, you can simply add the link to the customized web site we prepared for you.

What if I do not want to have my home page to direct to the insurance for visitors to USA? My primary market is Students, for example.

We can provide you the direct link to the market segments you would like to concentrate on. You can directly link to any of the web pages that we provide to you.

What if I don't like the pictures of Indian people on the web site? My primary market is Chinese. Can you put Chinese pictures for my web site?

Yes, we can do that. You can choose from Default (Assorted), Chinese, European (Caucasian), Indian, African, Hispanic, or Middle Eastern.

What if I would like to set up my web site in a way that is not described here?

Please contact us and we will be glad to discuss your requirements with you. As long as it is technically and financially feasible, we would be glad to work with you to meet your requirements.