Atlas America Insurance - Visitor Insurance

Quotes & Purchase: Individual Group
Atlas America Insurance - Visitor Insurance

Atlas America insurance is a comprehensive visitors insurance for foreign nationals visiting the U.S.

Many people whose parents, in-laws or other relatives are visiting the United States make a lot of preparation such as getting visitors visas, air tickets and making arrangements for their travel and tourism while they are here. However, many of them overlook the fact that the medical care is very expensive in the U.S. if they were to fall sick or get injured while in the U.S. Therefore, it is very wise to buy visitors medical insurance for them.

Acute Onset of Pre-Existing Conditions

Coverage for an acute onset of pre-existing conditions is included in the Atlas America plan. For people under the age of 80 coverage is up to the policy maximum for medical expenses; $25,000 is available in emergency medical evacuation.

It is described as some unforeseen emergency occurring without warning and you take treatment in the next 24 hours.

Widely Accepted PPO Network

Atlas America insurance participates in United Healthcare PPO Network. Therefore, you will easily find many providers in most parts of the U.S.

Reputed Underwriter

Atlas America insurance is underwritten by Lloyd's which is the largest and oldest insurance marketplace in the world. You can be assured from the fact that Lloyd's has never failed to pay legitimate claims, even in times of multiple recessions.


Atlas America provides insurance with the flexibility to purchase for as little as 5 days, extend for as little as 1 day up to 12 months. Just in case you bought it for a longer duration and visitors end up leaving earlier, you can get a pro-rated refund for the unused portion minus a $25 cancellation fee as long as no claims have been submitted since the original effective date. With deductibles such as $0, $100, $250, $500, $1,000, $2,500, and $5,000 and policy maximums ranging from $50,000 to $2,000,000, Atlas America insurance is quite flexible in terms of features.

Instant Quotes & Purchase

Atlas America can be instantly purchased online on this website. If the person has not yet departed from the home country, the coverage can start on the day you specify, earliest being tomorrow. If the person is already in the U.S., the coverage can start from today itself, a unique feature among all other visitors insurance plans.

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Atlas America insurance provides coverage for COVID-19 (coronavirus) just like any other eligible medical condition that occurs after the effective date of the policy.